Fedeal Extension Capitol Building

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024, two final rules were passed that will have large impacts on businesses across the country. Here is what you need to know about both rules and their implications. DOL’s Final Exemption Rule The DOL has published a final rule to update the pay threshold to qualify for overtime exemption for […]

Yearend Checklist for HR, Payroll, and Benefits

Year End Checklist

A year-end checklist for HR, payroll, and benefits is essential to ensure that all necessary tasks are completed before the start of the new year. This checklist can help streamline the year-end process and ensure compliance with tax and regulatory requirements. HR Checklist: Payroll Checklist: Benefits Checklist: Remember that this checklist serves as a general […]

Managing Employee Leaves of Absence

Managerial Leave

Managing leaves of absence effectively is challenging. In this blog, we’ll explore the strategies and best practices that HR professionals can employ to navigate this complex terrain with success. The Importance of Effective Leave Management Leave management is not just about compliance with labor laws; it’s about supporting your employees and maintaining productivity within your […]

Get Ready for the New I-9 Form

i-9 Form Understanding

The deadline to begin using the revised Form I-9, officially known as the Employment Eligibility Verification Form, is November 1. Why the Change? The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) regularly updates the Form I-9 to ensure that it reflects current requirements and remains a reliable tool for verifying the identity and employment eligibility of […]

Understanding Reference-Based Pricing: A Game-Changer in Healthcare

Understanding References Article

It is hard to believe that Reference-Based Pricing (RBP) has been around for 15 years. We’ve watched it evolve, and the product is mature. In this post, we’ll explore the concept of Reference-Based Pricing, what it is, and how it changes the way we approach healthcare costs. What is Reference-Based Pricing? Reference-Based Pricing gets its […]

NY Paid Family Leave Rate for 2024

IRS Announces Changes to Retirement Plans

On Wednesday, August 30, 2023, the New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) announced the Paid Family Leave (PFL) rate and maximum PFL employee contribution for the coming year. In 2024, New York DFS has decided to decrease the contribution rates and the maximum employee contributions for PFL. Year Maximum Contribution Rate Annualized Wage Cap […]

Controlling Benefits Costs

Calculator and notepad on top of money

Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), medical insurance has seen a steep rise in cost and a decline in benefits. With the changes in the market, employers have struggled to offer the benefits needed to attract and retain top talent. Moreover, these impacts have disproportionately affected small and mid-sized employers. Read on […]

LEGAL UPDATE: DHS to End to I-9 Flexibility

Fedeal Extension Capitol Building

Last month, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that the COVID-19 temporary flexibilities for Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification will end on July 31, 2023. These flexibilities allowed for the remote inspection of identification documents. In response to this announcement, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced that employers must physically examine any documents inspected […]

How to Spot Medical Bill Errors


Healthcare advocacy group Medical Billing Advocates of America estimates that up to 80% of all medical bills have errors. While working with high volumes of work and thousands of medical codes, it’s easy to see why billing mistakes happen. Not all those errors result in an that will cost you money. But, given all the […]

Register For Our Upcoming Webinar!

Overcoming the impact of obamacare thumbnail

Register For Our Upcoming Webinar! The Affordable Care Act is now 10 years old and has radically changed how the medical insurance game is played. This webinar will: Explain what changed and why it changed. Reveal the financial implications of those changes on employer health plans. Share the proven strategies for winning the medical insurance […]